It’s a Wonderful Virtual Life

The beloved film Its a Wonderful Life serves as the study material for our Advent 2020 series. Since so many are not able to meet in person due to Covid-19 concerns, we are going virtual this year, and will meet using Zoom. We are offering 2 times each week: Sunday afternoon at 3pm beginning November 29 or Monday evening at 7pm beginning November 30. We will watch a section of the film together, and then discuss how the film illustrates Biblical principles we can apply to our own lives. Over the course of the 4 weeks, you will have seen the entire film. If you wish to attend a different session in a particular week, that is no problem. If you are interested please email us. Then we will send you the Zoom link to attend the session of your choice. Do not let Zoom prevent you from participating. We have people willing to help you master this technology, there is a call in by phone option, or we could team you with a trusted neighbor. Let us know by email so we can help you. Please provide any feedback using this email as well. If you prefer self-study, here is an online copy of the film for you to follow. Many thanks to Kevin Purcell for his Bible study notes.

Week 1

Beginning to 35:05, When God Changes Your Plans - 2 Samuel 7:3,7

Week 2

29:45 to 59:50, People Have Real Value - Gen 1:26-27, John 15:12-17

Week 3

1:00:00 to 1:39:00, Where Do You Turn When You Are In Trouble? - Ezra 8:22, Matt 6:33, Isaiah 40:31

1:35:15 to End, Making An Impact On Others - Job 3:3, Jeremiah 20:14

Week 4